The Ultimate Guide To Pleasingcare Blotting Paper

You all love your beauties, but sometimes they tend to look a bit shiny. By reading this article, you find an easy way to reduce shine and oil. The pleasingcare blotting paper works to remove oil from your face without harming your skin.

Pleasingcare blotting paper is smooth, ultra-thin, and extra absorbent tissue, individually wrapped sheets that control shine and oil buildup while helping to maintain makeup integrity. Pleasingcare blotting paper is made from natural wood pulp and hemp pulp to resolve oil, melt away dead skin cells, prevent pore-clogging, and dispense excess sebum.

You can use it anywhere, anytime, so you’ll never have to worry about your looks getting shiny or oily in any situation. It absorbs the excess oils on your face that may be produced by a combination of skin, acne in the pores, or hot weather.


Depending on how oily your skin is that day, you can use oil blotting sheets as often as needed. From easily absorbing oils & keeping you looking fresh to help prevent makeup from smudging & keeping your facial pores clean.

Reduces lustrous In Summer

Pleasingcare blotting paper is an ultra-fine abaca fiber blotting paper. It instantly reduces the shininess of your face and absorbs excessive sebum & sweat. Pleasingcare blotting papers are filled with natural ingredients like aloe Vera, green tea extract, and even botanical extracts that help to prevent your skin on hot and humid days.

Flawless Complexion

Charcoal is a substance made by exposure to extreme heat on organic matter. It has a silky texture and gives you a fresh & clear complexion like just after face wash. The paper is embedded with charcoal offers a smooth, professional finish that helps to reduce oil, dirt, breakouts, blackheads, and shine on your face.

Relief In Makeup Touch Ups

Makeup touch-ups in pleasingcare blotting papers give a cooling effect, soothe your skin, and absorb moisture on your face. It is a convenient and innovative product for skincare. This multitasking blotting paper contains remedies that can reduce the chances of acne and skin irritation and eliminate bacteria. It is ideal for touch-ups since a quick swipe reduces shine, so you can step out confidently, knowing you look fresher and vibrant in any situation.

No Itching On Sensitive Skin

Pleasingcare blotting paper is a smart choice when you are looking for something that’s both convenient and gentle on your skin. It is made of high-quality willow bark that helps absorb the oil secretions produced by oily sebaceous glands on sensitive skin and prevents inflammation that results from irritation. There is no irritation or itching to sensitive skin, making skin healthy and clean.

Easy To Use

Pleasingcare blotting paper can help you keep long-lasting makeup. You can use it to stimulate the skin to accelerate blood circulation, reduce fine lines, and clear wrinkles. Pleasingcare blotting paper provides touch and holds style blotting when applied to the skin; the pores will breathe and purify. It does not leave any powder layer on the face that instantly brightens your skin. Pleasingcare blotting paper is a must-have beauty aid nowadays.



Andy is an avid outdoorsman and has a wealth of knowledge to share when it comes to recreation. He loves nothing more than spending time in the great outdoors, fishing, camping, and hiking. When he's not enjoying nature, Judd enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He's always up for a good laugh and loves telling stories around the campfire.

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